Things to learn when you are starting new in Typescript

Things to learn when you are starting new in Typescript

Lets get started with Typescript

This is step by step topics that you should learn if you are starting new in typescript:

  1. Introduction to Typescript

  2. Typescript Annotations

  3. Type Inference

  4. Union Type

  5. Type any

  6. Using Typescript in Arrays

  7. Using Typescript in Objects

  8. Using Typescript in Functions

  9. Optional and Default Parameters

  10. Type Alias

  11. Intersection Types

  12. Type Interface

  13. Interface vs Type Alias

  14. Tuples

  15. Enums

  16. Type unknown, never

  17. Type Guarding

  18. Type Predicates

  19. Generics

  20. Using Typescript while fetching data and use of ZOD library

  21. Typescript Classes

  22. Use Typescript in projects